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Plant pods
Substrate, seeds, nutrients: everything is provided!

Vegetables & Fruit

Everything small is cute... Discover our charming mini fruits and vegetables!

À Fleur de Pot €23.90 EUR

Home-made aperitifs €17.90 EUR €23.80 EUR

Audacity on the Grill €17.90 EUR €23.80 EUR

Batavia Lettuce €3,95 EUR

Curly Kale €6,95 EUR

Paracress €6,95 EUR

Oak Leaf Lettuce €3,95 EUR

Watercress Out of print
Mini Chili Peppers Out of print
Mini Yellow Peppers Out of stock
Mini Black Peppers Out of stock
Mini Red Peppers Out of stock
Mini Yellow Tomatoes Out of print
Mini Red Tomatoes Out of print
Red Mizuna Out of print
Green Mizuna Out of print
Bloody Dock Out of print
Pak Choi Out of print
Golden Berries Out of print
Padrón peppers Out of stock
Scarlet Salanova® Out of print
Virescent Salanova® Out of print
