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About Prêt à Pousser
Reconnecting with plants

The technology

Our revolutionary indoor garden system makes hydroponics simple, affordable and accessible.
Our technology is based on 3 elements: water, light and the plant capsule.

The mission

Our ambition is to enable everyone to have a garden thanks to simple and autonomous indoor gardens.

With Prêt à Pousser, you no longer need a green thumb to grow herbs, salads, vegetables and flowers indoors, all year round.
Our indoor gardens evolutionise indoor gardening and take care of all your plants' needs: water, light, nutrients...


SIAL Innovation 2018 selection


Relocation to the Batignolles district of Paris
BPI France Excellence Label
Doubling of our turnover


Label Observeur du Design
Trophée NPA des Objets Connectés
Prêt à Pousser member of the Smart Food Paris restricted club


Prize for audacity and inventiveness of the French pavilion at the Milan Universal Exhibition
1st Prize in the Burda International competition


SIAL Innovation Grand Prize
Cervia - Ready to Eat, Practicality, Design Prize
Petit Poucet - Créateur d'Avenir Prize
Réseau Entreprendre - Winner


ZeeEntrepreneurs - Finalist
Cré'Acc - Jury's favourite

Research & Development

Prêt à Pousser has become the leading company in Europe in the field of indoor growing.

At Prêt à Pousser, we believe in the benefits of a renewed contact with plants, for tastier and greener days!
Since 2013, our start-up has been working hard to allow everyone to grow part of their plate, directly.

A great team

Engineers, agronomists, content creators, customer relations specialists: behind Prêt à Pousser is a team of more than 25 people who work with passion every day from our Parisian offices, to provide you with the best possible experience!

Our industrial designers develop our new products, our agronomists select the best seeds for optimal growth results and develop new varieties of plants to grow on a daily basis, our content creators imagine the most beautiful packaging and relay our adventure on the web, our after-sales service pampers you and answers all your questions...

Shall we introduce them to you?

Join us

Do you want to join a dynamic team? Do you love plants? Then apply here: 

Find out about all the jobs available, discover our corporate culture and meet some of our employees on the Welcome to the Jungle platform!
