You already know its cousin the Mini Red Tomato. But it's not just less scarlet! The Mini Yellow Tomato is an early and productive variety, indispensable in the kitchen and in your vegetable garden. Its sweet and juicy flesh will brighten up your dishes by adding originality and colour. Its yellow colour will make your kitchen garden a place of curiosity.
To help you grow your plants, download the mobile application Prêt à Pousser and receive personalised growing advice throughout the life of your plants.
The plant may need a helping hand to stand upright as the fruit forms #heavy. Plant wooden sticks in the capsule's substrate to support the stem.
This is probably because your plant has too much fruit. Next time, try removing a few clusters of flowers from your plants when they are in bloom. In the meantime, your tomatoes, although small, will be delicious!
Do not hesitate to put a small stake in your capsule, or to hang your plant in your vegetable garden with a bit of wire.
It is normal to see the leaves of your plant turn yellow as soon as it produces fruit. It will weaken and die, this is its natural cycle.