Catnip is a perennial plant with both decorative and practical properties. Medicinal and insect repellent, catnip is not only captivating for felines!
To help you grow your plants, download the mobile application Prêt à Pousser and receive personalised growing advice throughout the life of your plants.
"To harvest it, cut the main stem above the second node. Then you can leave it to your cat to pamper it.
Don't worry, this is quite common. Catera takes a little time to germinate, and the rich environment of the substrate is conducive to the growth of algae or moulds. Once your plant starts to germinate and grow, its leaves will cut off the algae's access to light, and it should disappear on its own. If the situation seems to be out of control, please feel free to send us a small photo from the "Support" section of the application.
You can prune the top of your plant without any problem, it should make room. Remember to remove the dead flowers first!