Party in the Salad Bowl!

15,95 €

Set includes 4 Pods salads

Discover the freshest and crunchiest of all Pods boxes! La Fête dans le Saladier features our 4 favourite Pods salads, all in one pretty box!

The crunchy Batavia Lettuce, the tender Oak Leaf Lettuce, the original Salanova Verte and the beautiful Salanova Rouge.

A must-have for a cool summer: eating a freshly-picked, crisp salad is life-changing, believe us.

  • Harvest after 6-8 weeks
  • Organic seeds from French seed companies
  • Pods biodegradable and repotable.
  • Compatible with Lilo, Modulo and Nano.
Weight 0,180 kg
Germination time

5 to 15 days before starting to assert yourself

Harvesting time

5 to 15 days

Harvesting time

6 to 8 weeks before making your salad party

Light exposure

Summer mode, 14-16h exhibition

Type of plant


Who are you?

Have you ever tasted the crunch of a freshly picked salad? Place your capsule, wait a few weeks, pick, add a drizzle of olive oil and a little salt, and rediscover the taste of salad.
