Italian Parsley

5,95 €

French Classical

40 en stock

5,95 €

40 en stock

More tasty than its curly cousin, the Italian Parsley is the star of our plates!

  • First harvest after 6 weeks. 
  • Organic seeds from French seed companies.
  • Biodegradable and repotable capsule.
  • Compatible with Lilo, Modulo and Nano.
Weight 0,04 kg
Chef's specialty

Make your own parsley butter, with a bunch of finely chopped parsley leaves mixed with a slab of softened butter. Don't throw away your parsley tails! Tied with a green

Germination time

10 to 20 days

Harvesting time

6 to 7 weeks after sowing

Harvesting time

4 to 7 weeks before repotting

Light exposure

Spring mode (12h)

Type of plant



Freeze washed and dried leaves whole

Who are you?

A memory of a Sunday at the market, a bunch of parsley offered and slipped into the shopping bag at the last minute. Persi Plat, the classic that never really gets old. A fo